random rambling weirdness: life + some pictures i took + posh closet

hey there 😉 I wasn't planning on writing this post. But here I am. What a turn out. Originally I was going to share with y'all a book review on Sea Witch (which I still plan on doing), but then I was like, well I'm uninspired to write that I GUESS I'LL JUST RAMBLE ABOUT RANDOM …

Continue reading random rambling weirdness: life + some pictures i took + posh closet

stop waiting, just do it already.

If life were just about sitting around, hoping things would happen, it'd suck. It'd suck real bad. Because life doesn's stop. It never stops. And it's not living if all we do is wait to be spoon fed this magical elusive mystery that we yearn for so much but can never achieve; this beautiful and …

Continue reading stop waiting, just do it already.

we need to be seeking the Lord, or all we’re going to have to fight with is a spoon.

Lately, God has been convicting me of a lot of things. With school over, summer in full swing, and life in a tangle, this is the time of year where distractions just pile onto me and I have a really hard time figuring out how to get passed it all. I mean, I've set all …

Continue reading we need to be seeking the Lord, or all we’re going to have to fight with is a spoon.

an open post to all my friends who need to hear this right now

Hello there, you amazing and perfect little messed-up tragedy that is so loved whether you know it or not. Believe it. Know it. Because even if you're going through a dark or tiring time in life, even butterflies go through a time of obscurity... turns out, all the anxiety, hurt, stress that you're feeling are …

Continue reading an open post to all my friends who need to hear this right now